
UPDATE (where is the new site, dammit?!)

TIBU2.com is still in development, but will be going live before much longer. We're sorry that it's taken so long, but a thing like this is worth doing right. Our development staff has been halved, and with moving and houses and babies flying around, things have been distracting.

The site has been tested- and re-tested- ad nauseum, but mistakes certainly will be revealed as more and more people use the site when it goes live.

The initial launched site will be bare-bones, but more features and functionality will be added as things progress, and the creation will be an ever-evolving process in which we encourage you to take part.

We're glad that you all have shown such interest in the TIBU2.

Thank you- for your patronage, your patience, and your ongoing faith.


Bail out the Citizens first

http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/406258714 is a citizen's attempt to let government officials know how we American's feel about the bail out. People can add their own two cents, too, rather than simply signing the petition. The petition is written in easy to understand language. If you don't like what's said, you can create your own petition. The idea is to have Americans build America. That seems like a good idea. We can't leave everything up to the leader. The problems today are too big. We can each chip in with our best ideas and then, truly, we will be building a stronger, better America as the best ideas will take the lead.

Global and national citizenship takes effort. Thank you for yours.